How to generate ideas.
Where do good ideas come from? How can I be more creative and think outside the box?
One of the questions I get asked most often from start-ups and senior level executives is how they can be more creative or get more creative results from their team.
First, everyone is creative, but some of us exercise our creative muscles more than others. Start by removing mental blocks around your creativity and see yourself as being a creative thinker. Second, constantly look for ways to make everything around you better—this exercises your creativity every day.
Keep in mind that the more time we spend with people the more our brain waves begin to synch, so if you’re looking for break-thru new ideas from your inner circle, you probably won’t find them. It’s a strong argument for bringing in outside consultants that don’t know your business or industry well, as they are more likely to challenge assumptions and literally think outside the box.
Steve Brazell, Founder of Hitman Inc., Competition Removal®